Author Archives: Jacques Cordray

Power To The People


Preworkout products are now multidimensional wonders. Make sure you’re using the latest cutting-edge hybrid. Technological advances move at lightning speed, something that is best exemplified by Moore’s Law, which states that the number of transistors on a chip will double approximately every two years. You’ve enjoyed the results in your increasingly powerful computers and smartphones.… read more

Never Say Mourir

Michele Levesque

French-Canadian Olympic hopeful Michele Levesque turned a disappointing injury into a successful fitness career. To an athlete, injury is destiny. It’s a sad fact of life for those who force their bodies to perform under extreme circumstances, pushing themselves to be faster, stronger, more agile with every performance. Even legendary sports stars have seen remarkable… read more

The Do-It-All Fitness Pro


Fitness model and actor Kyle Clarke has a hunger for high-risk adventure. Some guys have all the fun. Guys like Kyle Clarke. The classically handsome Clarke may seem like your everyday fitness model who spends his off hours manscaping and mirror-gazing, but after learning his life story you realize he’s more like a Hemingway character… read more

Market Muscle

PHYSIQUE PRO CRAIG “HOT COMMODITY” CAPURSO IS A WALL STREET TRADER WHOSE ATHLETIC PROWESS AND COVER-MODEL PHYSIQUE IS ALWAYS MONEY.   Craig “The Hot Commodity” Capurso is a futures trader and IFBB competitor who just may have the best body on Wall Street. Those “Masters of the Universe” who populate Wall Street may have nerves… read more

Fast Company

NASCAR DRIVER DAVID GILLILAND TAKES A SERIOUS APPROACH TO TRAINING AND NUTRITION THAT’S GIVING HIM AN EDGE ON HIS COMPETITION.   NASCAR’s David Gilliland has learned that cutting-edge training and nutrition can get him to the head of the pack. Taking risks is what David Gilliland does. As a top NASCAR driver, Gilliland puts his life… read more

The Megna Carta

MARC MEGNA WAS AN OBESE KID WHO TURNED HIMSELF INTO AN NFL PLAYER, THEN LATER BECAME A WORLD-CLASS TRAINER TO SOME OF THE HOTTEST BODIES ON THE PLANET. HERE’S HOW HE DID IT.   Former NFL player and world-class trainer Marc Megna lays down the laws for athletic success. “Love what you do. The rest will… read more

“Hardwired” for Success


AN EXCITING NEW BOOK CALLED “HARDWIRED FOR FITNESS” TEACHES YOU HOW TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF YOUR EVOLUTIONARY HARDWARE TO REACH YOUR POTENTIAL. How your evolutionary circuitry can help you maximize your body’s potential. The leap from caveman to modern man comes with good news and bad news.The good news is that we have electricity, easily… read more