June 2012

Remake, Remodel

You ever heard the saying: “Exercise is the poor man’s plastic surgery”? Sure, squats, bench presses and cardio aren’t going to give you the equivalent of chin implants and facelifts, but an effective training and nutrition program can mimic some surgical alterations, like liposuction, tummy tucks and glute implants. Even breasts can look enhanced with… read more

Get Smart

IS YOUR CONCENTRATION LAGGING? CAN’T SOLVE THAT CROSSWORD PUZZLE? THESE BRAIN FOODS AND SUPPLEMENTS WILL HELP YOU SMARTEN UP IN NO TIME.   Boost your brainpower with these supplements and natural foods. If you suspect that your brain isn’t firing on all cylinders like it was in your college years, you may be right. To… read more

Crank Up the Awesome! Part 3

YOU WON’T BELIEVE THE INCREDIBLE CHANGES OUR GROUP OF GUYS MADE IN OUR “SUMMER SHRED” TRANSFORMATION. LEARN HOW YOU CAN GET AWESOME RESULTS, TOO. Check out the amazing results in the final installment of our 12-week Summer Shred program. Here’s how theydid it — and how you can, too! It’s been two months. So how… read more

Get Me Big, Get Me Cut Power Protein Plan

HERE’S A STEP-BY-STEP GUIDE ON HOW TO CREATE THE PERFECT MUSCLE-BUILDING COCKTAIL OF POTENT NUTRIENTS TO ACHIEVE YOUR PHYSIQUE GOALS. Here it is: Everything you need to know to design the perfect protein supplement for your goals. The days of the boring, bad-tasting protein shakes are long over. Unfortunately, trying to figure out which power-packed… read more

Fast Company

NASCAR DRIVER DAVID GILLILAND TAKES A SERIOUS APPROACH TO TRAINING AND NUTRITION THAT’S GIVING HIM AN EDGE ON HIS COMPETITION.   NASCAR’s David Gilliland has learned that cutting-edge training and nutrition can get him to the head of the pack. Taking risks is what David Gilliland does. As a top NASCAR driver, Gilliland puts his life… read more

Get a Life!

HEAVY, TIRED AND FADING FAST, THIS NEW DAD GOT SERIOUS AND DROPPED MORE THAN 50 LB.   Unable to keep up with his daughter, this dad lost over 50 lb and got his groove back. Achieving success on a weight-loss journey comes down to one common factor: a strong, “Why?” If you don’t know why… read more

Build Your Body, Build Your Brain

HERE’S HOW EXERCISE CAN ENHANCE YOUR FOCUS AND OTHER COGNITIVE ABILITIES.   Athletic competition may improve cognitive function and skills in everyday life. Exercise has clearly been linked to a host of health benefits. When done correctly and consistently, exercise has been known to help lower blood pressure, maintain healthy weight, improve joint function and… read more

Morning Workout Meal

EXPERT TRAINER AND CHAMPION BODYBUILDER DAVE HAWK ANSWERS YOUR QUESTIONS ON TRAINING AND NUTRITION. LISTEN TO HIM.   Q: I want to lose weight and gain muscle. I follow the advice you give in your makeovers, but, unfortunately, I can’t work out at night because of my job, so I train first thing in the morning… read more