Create Your Dream Body In Only Three Months!

The “New Year, New Body” Makeover Will Make 2­013 Your Best Year Yet.

You want it — you know you do. You want a physique that will turn heads, elicit gasps, attract the opposite sex and urge others to marvel, “How did he build that body?”

Here’s how: He followed Dave Hawk’s new transformation program, the “New Year, New Body” makeover. This three-month training and nutrition plan begins next month in the pages of Muscle & Body and on our website, Hawk will give you all the training, diet and supplement details you need to get on the fast track to a major physique upgrade that will not only change your body, but your entire life as well.

Hawk is a genius of physique manipulation. He knows how to get a dude yoked and ripped fast. Don’t believe it? Look at the guy above. He spent three months under Hawk’s expertise and built his best physique ever.

Everything You Need To Succeed

Beginning next month, we’ll give you all the details on making incredible changes to your body. We’ll have:

A workout chart every month.

Dietary guidelines with details on how to design your meals.

Supplement suggestions. We’ll tell you what supplements to take to achieve the best results.

A holiday survival guide. We’ll give you strategies to cope with the temptations of the holidays, so you stay on track.

Our revamped website and Facebook page will allow opportunities for you to interact with others engaged in the program, along with Dave Hawk himself. With dedication and a commitment to the program, you’ll go into 2013 way ahead of the guys who are just getting started in early January.

So make next year your best year by getting started on the “New Year, New Body” makeover next month in M&B.

  • Jeff Klein

    Looking forward to this!

  • Ben Green

    Can’t wait to get started! I need a new workout to get me pumped for the winter.

  • Primo Ruiz

    Dave, I am so excited about this program that I can’t wait till next month to see what you are talking about. Please reply I am ready for the program and I would love nothing more than to Transform my body at age 57

  • Beatrize Gonzalez

    Where is it? Can’t find it anywhere…