June 2013

Boulder Shoulders


Cannonball delts can be yours if you train them right Sensational shoulder development is a great way to achieve a dynamic physical presence, whether you’re wearing a three-piece suit or a Speedo. Although many body parts are larger, few muscles have as much potential for separating you from the pack. Well-rounded and pronounced delts can… read more

Head of the Class


The 2013 GNC and Dymatize Ultimate Teen Challenge proved which student athletes deserve to be on the honor roll of power and heart. OK, so you can either settle in front of your computer for an afternoon of World of Warcraft, or you can flip a 120-lb tire clear across an auditorium floor. For some… read more

The New Nutrition Myths


Diet disinformation spreads fast. Here’s the truth behind the latest hype. Information: it’s everywhere. If you missed the nightly news, you can turn to Twitter or Facebook for commentary on every breaking news topic imaginable. Just because information is everywhere doesn’t mean you can trust it. With more channels of information available, there are more… read more

Made Of Strong Stuff


Tim Bentley spent 40 years at GNC growing the sports-nutrition category into a global powerhouse. In his spare time, he became one of the world’s strongest men. On the eve of his retirement, he reflects on his brilliant career. Tim Bentley’s list of achievements is as long as a Russian novel, but with a much… read more

Muscle Beach Makeover: Part Two


Be the Boss of Summer Become a hot-weatherhunk with our Muscle Beach makeover. Ready for Part Two? Summer’s upon us, beaming sunlight and humidity on our exposed skin. But how much skin are you willing to reveal to the world? You can’t hide forever. At some point, you will swim. Maybe in a pool, a… read more

Energize Your Life

FRS Healthy Performance products help you power through intense workouts like never before. Your body needs different types and sources of energy to function at full capacity. Before you can even think about fueling intense exercise, though, you have to have your baseline of energy in place to fuel everyday activities, support immunity and health,… read more

You Snooze, You Win


Not getting a good night’s sleep could jeopardize your physique goals. A good night’s sleep is often the key to an energized next day, recovery from a diligent workout, and our general well-being. However, recent research has shown that a good night’s sleep also means the less likelihood of gaining weight in the form of… read more

Making A Difference: Tasha Wall


Tasha Wall lost 30 lb and changed her life. Now she’s helping others do the same. Seven years ago, I found myself miserable and hating the way I looked. I wasn’t what you would consider obese, but I was overweight. I struggled with body image and food for years, and used to cry when I… read more

SI Writer Visits Arnold Expo—Hilarity Ensues

When mainstream sports writers immerse themselves into the subculture of bodybuilding and fitness, you can usually rely on one of two responses: condescension or snide condescension. A classic of this subgenre appeared in the March 11 issue of Sports Illustrated, courtesy of Jeff Pearlman, a journalist who has occasionally stumbled around the subjects of PEDs… read more

Light Weights Can Lead to Big Gains  


My 18-year-old son and I are going to start working out together. He wants to add mass. Is it better to use low reps and heavy weight, or to use moderate weight with increased reps? My son wants to max out all the time, but I’m concerned he’s going to hurt himself. A: As a… read more