Top Shelf in Depth

The Revolution Will Be Supersized


Boosting human growth hormone levels just got easier with Growth Factor-9. Ponce de Leon had epic ships and legions of warriors to hunt for the Fountain of Youth, but he would have been much better off with a chemistry degree. Just ask medical experts and aging men who have used human growth hormone (hGH). Increased… read more

Nature’s Muscle Builder


Muscle Milk Naturals takes the guesswork out of high-performance nutrition. There’s more to exercise nutrition than a simple whey protein shake. To take full advantage of every workout, you need a complete nutritional package that includes healthy fats, complex carbohydrates and micronutrients, like vitamins and minerals. Recovery and growth demand these nutrient infusions. Problem is… read more

Test’ Of Manhood


Enjoy better performance in the gym—and in the bedroom—with Nugenix Free Testosterone Booster. Have you noticed a decrease in your sexual desire and performance? In other words, has that flame begun to flicker, or has it already burned out? As men age, their bodies produce less testosterone—and don’t think this is just true for senior… read more

Maximize Your Manpower


New supplement TestroVax increases testosterone by 42% in study. Here’s how it works. Nobody likes to lose an edge. But aging, stress and other hazards of everyday life have a way of overwhelming our bodies and sapping our energy. One way we suffer is through a change in our hormone levels. Anticatabolic (muscle-wasting) hormones like… read more

Power To The People

CytoSport Muscle Milk 50

CytoSport creates their most potent protein matrix yet with the Muscle Milk Pro Series 50. In sports nutrition, standards change. That’s a good thing, because the demands of your growing body change. The main staple in your supplement regimen is protein, and smart bodybuilders and other athletes recognize that while a simple whey shake is… read more

Weapon Of Mass Development

Preworkout Nuclear X is scary-strong. Here’s the latest breakthrough in the science of SIZE. Science doesn’t stand still. Advancing the knowledge base of the human experience is an ongoing challenge, especially after epic discoveries, like identifying DNA and splitting the atom. After some breakthroughs, the world is never the same. The scientific process works the… read more

Fitness Foodies Rejoice!

Chef Robert Irvine makes history with Fit Crunch bars, the first chef-created nutrition bar. “Gourmet” isn’t a word you usually associate with nutrition bars. While the taste of these high-protein portable snacks has improved over the years, usually some palatability or texture is sacrificed for quality. Thankfully, Chef Robert Irvine finally put it all together.… read more

Become An “Alpha” Athlete

Cellucor’s new Alpha Amino intensifies the power of leucine. Cellucor has earned a trusted role as one of the top sports-nutrition brands in the industry by utilizing new research discoveries to create cutting-edge formulations that make many other products look like generic cast-offs. Their ability to appeal to a wide range of customers who increasingly… read more

It’s Grow Time!

ON’s Serious Mass Weight Gain Powder delivers quality and quantity. Getting big isn’t only about how heavy you lift and how much time you allow each muscle group to recover. The quantity, quality and timing of what you eat also weighs heavily into the mass-building equation. Because you can only consume a certain amount of… read more

Fiber’s Surprising Power

Fiber could be the most overlooked nutrient you need for a better physique. Fitness enthusiasts, bodybuilders and other athletes have no trouble spending time finessing their training and diet, and this often includes counting grams of protein, carbs and fat daily. But that leaves out one crucial nutrient: fiber. New research shows that fiber could… read more