October 2013

Swann Dives In


NFL legend Lynn Swann begins our primetime muscle makeover. Can the 61-year-old still reach the end zone? It’s 1979. Lynn Swann, wide receiver for the storied Pittsburgh Steelers at the height of their dominance, sprints like a gazelle to try and collect a nearly field-long bomb thrown by Terry Bradshaw. Bradshaw overshoots, and Swann is… read more

Rut Busters


Use these seven training strategies to break through plateaus and take your physique to the next level. Anyone who says he’s never hit a plateau in his training is either a liar or the strongest human being to ever walk the planet. It happens to all of us, and it may have happened to you… read more

Power Surge


M&B’s six-week comprehensive power program will boost your strength while building muscle mass. Virtually everyone who invests time in weight training wants to be stronger. That includes men, women, strength trainers, bodybuilders, experienced athletes and beginners. However, people in these various groups may have slightly different definitions of what it means to be stronger. Some… read more

Welcome to the Revolution


Here’s how muscle-building nutrition has changed over the past 40 years (hint: no more desiccated liver tablets). Thank you, science. Take two dried bull glands, mix in insect secretions and add algae. Perusing the supplement ads of 40 years past can feel like reading a long-lost book of witchcraft potions. Some of those products were… read more

The Magic of Magnesium


Magnesium is an essential element that’s critical for energy-requiring processes, protein synthesis, membrane integrity, nervous-tissue conduction, neuromuscular excitation, muscle contraction, hormone secretion, maintenance of vascular tone and intermediary metabolism. Deficiency can lead to change in neuromuscular, cardiovascular, immune and hormonal function, impaired energy metabolism and reduced capacity for physical work. —Stephen T. Sinatra, M.D., F.A.C.C.,… read more

Fish Oil: Still Safe, Still Powerful


The scientific consensus is that omega-3 fatty acids have enormous health benefits, despite a recent headline to the contrary. “Science by press release” is an easy way to be misled, and recent history proves it. A brief email sent to journalists will be repeated verbatim only because a study appeared in a publication with the… read more

Crowdsource Your Fitness


How to use social networks and new technology to boost your overall results. When it comes to getting in shape and losing weight, joining a health club is really just what the doctor ordered. But recent studies show that there is a lot more to successfully adopting a fitness lifestyle than picking a gym and… read more

Reclaim Your Youth


Finally, some good news about getting older. As men age, they suffer a cascade of undesirable physical effects. They began to lose muscle, replacing it with unwanted body fat. Accompanying this is a decrease in energy that makes it harder to train with the intensity necessary to fight these natural hormonal shifts. The good news,… read more

Never Give Up


He tried everything until a lifestyle and nutrition intervention saved his life. If I wrote the full story of Joe LoFreso’s 30-year weight-loss battle it would be a very long history book. You name the diet and Joe tried it. The good news is he lost a lot of weight on each diet, but the… read more

What’s In Store

Check out the latest in advanced supplement technology. Love Your Gut BarnDad’s FiberDX is a unique, eight-layer, soluble and insoluble fiber matrix that naturally supports lean muscle maintenance and weight management. FiberDX has substantial health benefits for people with diabetes and obesity, and delivers the maximum digestion benefits without nasty side effects. Be sure to… read more