March 2013

Party in Columbus!


The Arnold Sports Festival celebrates its 25th anniversary. Here’s why it’s the best multisport festival in the world, and getting bigger every year. It became clear sometime in the 1970s that Arnold Schwarzenegger couldn’t be stopped—he couldn’t even be contained. A force of nature with a muscular physique straight from Mt. Olympus, Arnold’s ambition went… read more

Head Games


Get Psyched up and take your performance to the next level Whether you’re bench pressing with your buddies looking on or shooting on the court in front of a bleacher-packed crowd, sometimes it can feel like your every move is being dissected and analyzed, as if you were Phil Mickelson making a long putt on… read more

Hardcore Shock


Take your upper-body training to the ultimate level by mastering these advanced techniques for strength and muscle growth from one of the best books ever on the subject. The following is an excerpt from a training manual that set a new standard on weight training: “Stronger Arms & Upper Body,” by Joe Wuebben and Jim… read more

Building Blocks


M&B gives all you need to know about the most important amino acids for maximizing your physique goals. Protein is made up of amino acids, often called the building blocks of life. When you consume protein, your body breaks it down into small peptides and amino acids so that it can be absorbed into your… read more

Whey Awesome


Once a discarded by-product, whey protein is a bodybuilding necessity. Here are 13 reasons why. Previously regarded as a waste product of cheese making, whey protein is now highly valued and backed with a solid foundation of good science. We are wrapping up a remarkable decade of research from around the world showing positive effects… read more

Grrl Power


Here’s What Active Women Need to Know about Nutrition. Dietary protein is crucial. Inadequate protein intake is perhaps the leading nutritional blunder among active women. The gender formerly known as the “weaker” sex is now a mainstay in everything from hardcore gyms to extreme sports. Powerlifting, competitive bodybuilding and almost every other conceivable athletic pursuit… read more

Big Eats

  These foods can enhance your workouts and your gains. Food or supplements: Which is the best source for muscle building? The good news is that both deliver powerful nutritional support for bodybuilders and athletes. In fact, many foods contain nutrients in high enough quantities that they serve the same function as supplements—if you pick… read more

Protein Jacks up Muscle Growth


Scientists prove that supplements help young and old increase strength, too. Let there be no doubt: Protein supplements are essential if you’re serious about putting on muscle and enhancing athletic performance. And that’s not just the word from the resident meatheads at your gym. A group of Dutch eggheads in white lab coats recently crunched… read more

Kai Greene: Bigger Than Life


The only thing larger than Kai Greene’s muscles is his personality. November 16–18 Victoria, Brazil Within hours of his landing in Brazil for a MuscleMeds promotion, thousands of fans are mobilizing to meet bodybuilding superstar Kai Greene at a variety of locations. As he walks down the street in Victoria, thousands of people follow him… read more

Bill Pearl: Pearls of Wisdom


Bodybuilding legend Bill Pearl literally wrote the book on weight training with his iconic “Keys to the Inner Universe.” I started weight training for self-defense. I knew my brother, who was three years older than me, was going to pound on me every day like clockwork. It was like the old Charles Atlas ads about… read more