February 2013

Squatter’s Rights


The squat is the KING of all muscle builders. Learn how to do it perfectly. If you were assigned the task of identifying the ultimate exercise for building leg strength, enhancing lower-body muscularity and maximizing core power and stability, you wouldn’t have to look beyond the squat rack. Indeed, of all the lifts in the… read more

Real Men Don’t Quit


Build more endurance both on the field and in the gym with these seven crucial supplements. Some days you’ve got it and some days you don’t. And sometimes you know when you walk into the gym that you’re really on…or really off. But other times you may not know how you’re going to perform; you… read more

Home Body


Want a gym-quality workout without having to take off your pajamas? Heed this advice. The alarm buzzes at 5:30 a.m. You get up, brave the elements and arrive at the gym for your morning workout only to be stuck with the world’s squeakiest elliptical. You go for some dumbbell flyes instead, but the gorilla who… read more

Happiness is a Hard Body


Check out the astounding final photos of our “New Year, No Fear” makeover. The best part: You can do it, too! They said it couldn’t be done. A physique transformation over the holidays—are you nuts? No. More like big and hard, boasting a prodigious muscular frame, tight abs and bulging biceps. Happy New Year to… read more

Return of the King


Eight-time Mr. Olympia Ronnie Coleman aims to conquer another field: sports nutrition. Maybe it’s the melodious Louisiana drawl, the “aw shucks” grin, or his easy, meandering gait, but Ronnie Coleman doesn’t strike the casual observer as having the kind of type-A personality and intensity that drives someone to fight and claw his way to the… read more

Flex Your Student Body


The GNC/Dymatize ultimate teen challenge at the arnold sports festival pits teens in fun and challenging strength events. Don’t miss it! With obesity and diabetes rates on the rise among adolescents, it’s easy to forget that many teenagers are intensely dedicated to staying in shape and excelling at sports. And those fit high-school students may… read more

Rewind, Reset, Resolve


Revitalize your fitness passion and make 2013 the Year of You! It’s only been a few short weeks since you shouted the phrase, “Happy New Year,” but long before these three powerful words resonated through the midnight crowd and you received your New Year’s kiss, there were less-than-subtle reminders everywhere that 2013 was on its… read more

What’s in Store

Check out the latest in advanced supplement technology. Hydrate and Dilate The preworkout rush you’ll get from ANS Performance’s DILATE isn’t due to stimulants. Three cutting-edge ingredients—L-citrulline malate, quercetin and glycerin—combine forces to maximize nitric-oxide production, increase vascularity and boost strength and endurance. With muscle cells primed for growth and recovery, it’s sure to deliver… read more

Days of Change


Dan Akers took a 70-day challenge, got fit and gained a new, happier life. For some people, a good workout and nutrition plan can be life changing. For Dan Akers, it was lifesaving. “Getting in shape saved my life, my career and my relationship,” Dan explains. “I was depressed, socially pulling away from my wife,… read more

The Big Hurt


Feeling the pain from hard training? These nutrients will help relieve soreness and enhance muscle recovery. Unless you spend your time at the gym sitting on equipment, talking on your smartphone, you’ve had to deal with sore muscles in the days after a workout. Known as DOMS (delayed-onset muscle soreness), this lingering pain is the… read more