February 2012

10 Carb Commandments

CONFUSED ABOUT CARBS? FOLLOW THESE 10 RULES AND STOP GUESSING. The essentials of eating for better workouts and a more muscular physique. When it comes to macronutrients, protein and fats are easy to understand: Athletes should consume up to a gram of protein for every pound of body weight each day, and keep fat consumption… read more

Sane Supplements for Crazy Workouts

IF YOU PERFORM HIGH-INTENSITY TRAINING FOR MARTIAL ARTS, P90X, MMA OR HIIT, YOUR BODY IS BEING THRASHED TO THE LIMIT. HERE ARE THE NUTRIENTS YOU NEED. Get through tough martial arts training, HIIT and other demanding regimens with these crucial nutrients. Some days you’ve got it and some days you don’t. And sometimes you know… read more

M&B’s Protein Lexicon

HERE’S AN EASY-TO-UNDERSTAND RUNDOWN ON WHAT’S IN ALL OF THOSE GREAT PROTEIN PRODUCTS, SO YOU CAN CHOOSE WHAT’S BEST FOR YOU. Shhh. Don’t tell anyone, but here are the secrets behind the ingredients in your protein shake. Master them and make crazy gains. At a loss in understanding supplement labels? Thanks to Muscle & Body, those… read more

Shock Treatment

THIS DENSITY WORKOUT WILL HELP YOU PACK ON THE BEEF WITH TARGETED EFFICIENCY. GET READY TO SHOCK YOUR BODY INTO NEW GROWTH. Stimulate intense muscle growth with density training. We’ll show you how. You’ve probably heard that professional bodybuilders sometimes shock their muscles into new growth. No, they’re not attaching electrodes to their bodies and running… read more

Stopping the “Silent Killer”

OMEGA 7 FATTY ACIDS HAVE AN UNCANNY ABILITY TO AFFECT CHOLESTEROL AND HEART HEALTH. Omega 7 (palmitoleic acid) strengthens the most important muscle in your body. February is heart-health month, but just one month seems inadequate, considering how prevalent cardiovascular disease is in this country. Heart disease is still the number one killer of adults,… read more

Fabricio the Fearless

TWO YEARS AGO, HEAVYWEIGHT FABRICIO WERDUM SHOCKED THE MMA WORLD WHEN HE BEAT FEDOR EMELIANENKO. TURNS OUT, HE’S JUST GETTING STARTED. Fabricio Werdum shocked the MMA world when he beat Fedor. Turns out that’s just the appetizer. It was one of those classic moments in sports that happens once a decade or so: The unbeatable… read more

Learning to Love “Me” Time

THIS BUSY WOMAN DISCOVERED HER TRUE WORTH AFTER MAKING A DRAMATIC TRANSFORMATION. How a wife and mother gave herself a new attitude and a new body. This month’s success story features Katie Moullet, a mom, wife and full-time employee. Like so many women, Katie has struggled with her weight and put herself last after taking… read more

How Fit Are You? Here’s How to Find Out

HOW TO MEASURE YOUR FITNESS LEVEL WITHOUT RESORTING TO THE SOMETIMES-DECEIVING BMI. Waist-to-height ratio and maximal heart rate are two key health indicators you need to know. The negative impact of carrying around extra pounds on the body can be more than just worrisome, it can be downright dangerous to your health. Historically, weight and… read more

Building Mass for the Chest

EXPERT TRAINER AND CHAMPION BODYBUILDER DAVE HAWK ANSWERS YOUR QUESTIONS ON TRAINING AND NUTRITION. LISTEN TO HIM.   Q: I was wondering if dumbbell bench presses are as effective as barbell presses for building mass for the chest? What do you suggest? A: Both movements will yield muscle-building results so long as you’re training aggressively. I recommend… read more