October 2011

Crazy Eights

BODYBUILDING LEGEND VINCE “THE IRON GURU” GIRONDA DEVISED THIS KILLER WORKOUT THAT WILL HELP YOU STIMULATE MUSCLE GROWTH LIKE MAD. Iconoclastic bodybuilding pioneer Vince Gironda devised this brutally effective training system. You just may have to be a little crazy to try it. You may or may not have heard of the late Vince Gironda,… read more

Roughing It

TOO MANY ATHLETES AND BODYBUILDERS DON’T GIVE A THOUGHT TO FIBER. BIG MISTAKE. HERE’S HOW FIBER CAN HELP YOUR PHYSIQUE AND PERFORMANCE. Fiber Is Crucial For Athletes. Here’s Why. Fiber is the most under-represented nutrient on the American menu. If you’re on a high-protein diet like so many athletes and recreational weightlifters, you may not… read more

The Perfect Workout

FOLLOW THESE SUPPLEMENT-DOSING GUIDELINES AND GET THE OPTIMUM GAINS FROM YOUR WEIGHT-TRAINING PROGRAM.   Attain the ultimate with these protein supplement strategies for training dominance. Who’s got time to waste these days? When you hit the gym, you want to make sure all that heroic effort and muscle-straining work is being utilized to its ultimate… read more

Shifting Gears: Danica Patrick

DANICA PATRICK WANTS YOU TO BREATHE A LITTLE EASIER.   Danica Patrick takes a pit stop to talk about NASCAR, fitness and stopping COPD. The fact that COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) kills more people than diabetes and breast cancer combined really makes you stop and take notice. Many people didn’t learn about this disease until this… read more

The “Reverse” Revolution

GET A SUPERPUMP BY TAKING ADVANTAGE OF THE REVERSE NITRIC OXIDE PATHWAY. A little-known nitric-oxide pathway is transforming workout nutrition. Nitric oxide (NO) boosters have become a staple of bodybuilding supplementation, and these nutritional blockbusters are now being adopted by athletes in all sports. There’s good reason for it. NO boosters help increase blood flow,… read more

Building Bodies and Brands

A FORMER FOOTBALL STANDOUT, ANTHONY PRESCIANO IS NOW A FITNESS SUPERSTAR WHO HELPS OTHERS REACH THEIR GOALS.   Fitness superstar Anthony Presciano is a popular cover model who’s also a success behind the scenes. There’s an old saying: “Fortune rewards the prepared.” Fitness cover model Anthony Presciano could teach a master class on that statement.… read more

You Snooze, You Win

HERE’S HOW TO GET A GREAT NIGHT’S SLEEP, AND WHY IT’S ESSENTIAL. Get in sync with your sleep cycles and feel more energized throughout the day. As our lives get busier, it’s easy to forget just how important it is to get enough sleep. But sooner or later it catches up with us. Just think… read more

Bowflex vs. Free Weights

EXPERT TRAINER AND CHAMPION BODYBUILDER DAVE HAWK ANSWERS YOUR QUESTIONS ON TRAINING AND NUTRITION. LISTEN TO HIM. By Dave Hawk   Q: I’m a teen athlete and I told my parents that I’d like to get free weights. They’re talking about buying me a Bowflex home gym instead. Will Bowflex give me the same results as… read more