Yearly Archives: 2014

Season’s Feedings


Here’s your holiday-party survival guide. Who doesn’t love the holiday season? The decorations, the shopping deals, the presents, good will toward everyone, and, of course, the food! That gorgeous holiday fare is everywhere. You can’t walk into the break room without being tempted by cakes and high-end, imported treats. Every person with a desk has… read more

Bring Up My Back, Dave 


Bring Up My Back, Dave I understand the benefits of training the entire body, but I don’t like training back at all. I never get a good workout, and I have to crush my back heavy to get it to respond. I want to make my lats wider and fuller. Can you give me a… read more

Run For Your Life!


Here’s how to enjoy the benefits of this simple style of exercise. Running long distances is not for everyone, but I really encourage everyone to hit the road whether it’s for a short run or a marathon. The best thing about running is that anyone can do it; you don’t need to learn a new… read more

The Fire Is In The Fat


Exercise can help to mitigate inflammation caused by excess visceral fat. “Chronic low-grade inflammation has been implicated in the etiology of a number of disease conditions, including cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes,” according to the article “Role of Exercise on Inflammation and Chronic Disease” in the August 2014 issue of Strength and Conditioning Journal.… read more

The Big One Gets Bigger


The Arnold Sports Festival is back and bursting at the seams. Like the national deficit, the Arnold Sports Festival just keeps growing. Unlike the national deficit, that’s a good thing. Named after its co-founder Arnold Schwarzenegger, the Arnold Sports Festival (ASF) is the nation’s largest fitness and sports spectacular, hosting more than 18,000 athletes who… read more

The Strongest Link

Keep joint pain from halting your training progress with this top-selling, clinically researched supplement. Millions of Americans are plagued by deteriorating joints, whether it’s from lifetyle, aging or any number of diseases that affect nerves and soft tissue. Painful joints cause an assortment of lifestyle limitations, especially for athletes and regular exercisers. Of course, the… read more

Catch a Rising Star

Mr. Universe Calum Von Moger and Fitness Diva sensation Ashley Hoffmann are the fresh new faces of today’s physique elite. Calum Von Moger: “Arnold 2.O” Wants To Make His Own Mark When you’re a 24-year-old bodybuilding phenom with an Austrian surname, you tend to get compared to you-know-who. But Calum Von Moger wants to write… read more

The Go, Go, Go Man

Whether it’s a car race or a foot race, NASCAR champ Michael Waltrip never lets up. My brother Darrell began racing go-karts before I was born, and stock cars about the age of 15, so the whole time I’ve been on earth I’ve been going to races. Both of my brothers played very important roles… read more

An Insider’s Guide to Amino Acids


An A-to-Z list of everything from building blocks to potent anabolic signaling agents that support muscle building. If you’ve been reading Muscle & Body regularly, you know how important amino acids are to your health and physique—really for life itself. In fact, all proteins are formed by a specific sequence of amino acids. In addition to being… read more

Hitting Above the Belt


Put some beef on your torso with this total upper-body workout.  You’re a faithful cardio fanatic, logging 45 minutes five days a week without fail. You’ve dropped some weight and your legs look great, but your upper body is noticeably nonexistent. Before you cram your clothes with Kleenex to puff up your pecs, listen up:… read more